Sunday, January 30, 2011

seeing[1]How I want to.docx

My Mind is ((at this given time))
Something that looks like a shoe mark on the ceiling
The inside of my eyelid
Is a doorway to a prelude of many things to come..
Look at myself in the mirror
Eyes staring back at me. I only see my soul, and I ask, “what can look better than this?” And I’m done.
Outer appearances sometimes, to me, are so meaningless in their demeanor
Dive into the deeper darker depths of someone’s mind to find
A higher form of light
The deeper we dwell, maybe the stranger
But the shallow world can be so lacking to me and as dull as a Green lid on blue recycle container           

Depending on who’s writing it and who perceives, the second subject in the above sentence can prove to be a better story.

"Join the faculty coalition"
You don’t want me to do that.
A nick on my cell phone case
Doesn’t matter, I still have a use for it; but in all honestly something more important than material… where’s it at?
Blah blah blah.. losing face, losing ground, I wonder as I wander all the time
I’ve been roaming across this vast land I call my mind for goin on 20 years and I still haven’t reached the end of the line?
Line? Ha I only said that shit to bust a rhyme.. My mind
Is an explosion that branches out like a non-linear narrative
If I speak it and you get hurt, don’t worry, I know how to take care of it.

If you take A Set of footprints that look like a dog footprint then take a slightly different concept and a give it a twist…?
What in the fuck do you get?
Shit… I have no clue, but when I put more than 1 second of THOUGHT(S) into it
I’ll get back to you.

That is…
If you’re still here...

A social security number... is to my identity as cumber is to cumber-
-some extra shit that I didn’t ask for… Numerology it makes sense
Cause the world is made of it.    

Archway at Herron <--- been there done that, wham bam thank ya ma’am, you couldn’t give me shit
Made my way to Informatics where I’m ten times the happy. And for real, this feeling is legit.

White label with the name Carrie Johnson
Who in the hell is that? Anyway, hope she has a good day
And that’s all I can really give as feedback…. That’s all that I can say.

Green steno notebook in janitors cart w/page that says "268 clean 274 dusted"
A job well done, never taken for granted, by me anyway… But some people are just plain inconsiderate, clean on the outside, but their internals are sick twisted and BUSTED.
But that doesn’t matter cause once again… “268 clean  274 dusted”

Some of the greater lessons learned in life
 are that Mysterious light
coming from a rectangle where you can’t see the light source
But once you follow it, you don’t care where it’s coming from, you just know you’re on the right course.
One religious person’s respect for a different religion… Think about it.

Spacebar, spacebar… there’s nothing much to write here.
Escape to a higher place of reattribute, the blankness of the page can be a loaded mind’s biggest fear
Biggest fear? What is yours? Why and how come you can’t conquer it?
My mind just rambles on and on, the longer I sit
And because of what I see goin on in society..
If I think too much—but mostly say enough—I can come off as someone with a remarkable case of anger and a hint of anxiety.
Red, red, the color so powerful so flourishing, so nourishing with….
Life lived so shortly right after it is hit with oxygen.
It dries out… it dies out… Becoming as brown as the earth in which it returns to.
What’s white is white, what’s black is black.. but in all honesty.. black is blue.
So what in the fuck does that mean to you? To me it means little to nothing
Only that we are so bent on outer appearances of the skin.

In the words of the great Erykah Badu, I am first a spiritual being
Only seeing my reflection in the vending machine
Some would say that the deepest things are adjacent to the meaningless

As meaningless as someone informing another that
There is a 25cent sticker on coke machines that tells you it includes tax
Yeah facts are facts
But do I really give a shit?
…Yeah maybe a little, who’s to ever really know?
Why is the hardest question to answer; some answers come quickly some questions die slow.

Rear entryway of IT looks like the Targus
Ha haaa, Targus? Or Tragus? Either way it goes, mi reality su reality… if it you want it.

My boyfriend proposing
Or girlfriend, whichever comes first
I can’t see people in genders… I think that type of vision is the worst.
Hence why I Went to the bathroom and saw my penis

I walk further and further into my mind and to my surprise… or my demise… I see
2 lockers side-by-side with the word flute on them… Really, now, what does this mean?
 I stare at the display before me, thinking about its story
 ((See “Travel into the Depths of My Mind” for some type of meaning
Whatever it is that you find, I warn you that there may be some shit in need of some serious non-serious deep throat cleaning.))

I shrug it off…I keep going, cause things happen for a reason.
And clothes aren’t the only things that change with the seasons.
Peoples’ attitudes, towards one another, change.
And what seemed so genuine, at first, now seems so fake and strange.
Speaking of strange
If my friend was named Jenny, and he was a she with a car then I guess..
I could say no one has seen My friend Jenny driving her car, it would be the end of the world, and we would skip the rest.
1.       A pokey walker
2.       A man with a rolling luggage case leaving the bathroom w/out washing his hands
3.       A neon green backpack
4.       Something about Dr. King or racial equality
5.       A Cheezit bag in the trashcan
6.       A red truck in the parking lot with a burned out headlight
Any who… I bypass all that random shit that was etched and burned into my mind’s eye and exit this colorful black and white document that has ran well out of time…
3 trashcans lined up about 5 feet from each other
((Translation: The End))

Glasscocks, and Johsons, and Richard ((Dick)) lillies.. OH MY!

Yeah last class was alright. I would have enjoyed it more, but honestly I just wasn't feelin that whole week. The only break I had was the one that I got in my unofficial class "Game On!" with Matt Powers. Shit I still attempted to work on some homework, but yeah... it was still a nice break nonetheless.
Which brings me to the next topic of discussion. Rules and shit.
This semester I'm taking 20 credit hours. I dont know.. for some reason, in spring semester, I'm ready to just work and kick a lot of ass ((fall semester is the other way around)). But yea I wanted to take "Game On!" this semester and when I went to go sign up for it, a message popped up sayin I had reached the maximum number of credit hours that could be takin this semester. The shit slightly pisses me off... It infuriated me in the beginning; but I've digressed.
-sigh- If that damn rule would have never existed ((cause clearly I need some shit to tell me how many classes I can handle a semester)) I would be in that class officially. lmao. On the bright side, Matt is giving out achievements! Yanno, like trophies that gamers earn on PS3 and I'm goin for the "Perfect Attendance for a Class You're Not Even Enrolled in" achievement. So I get to get a kick out of that I guess. And trust... the system is the only reason why I cannot find a loophole and get into that class. xD 
But enty who.. til next time, O.V. and O.T.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


So a very very long time ago ((it seems xD)) we were given the magnificent blank eggs. I remember this project when my friend, Sean, was taking this class and I also remembered how badly I wanted to steal his egg and color all over it because it was so blank.

See, I have a problem. When something blank—especially all white—is placed in my possession, I have to draw on it or color on it. SOMETHING has to be put on it. And it’s horrible because sometimes I do this shit subconsciously! It used to be so bad that I drew on other people’s body parts. Fortunately for us all, they enjoyed the designs and I at least had sense enough to stop myself and ask first. Eventually my work became so well known that people would ask me! –deep sigh- Oh glorious days.

At first, I was gonna just let the egg be and write about how not coloring the egg helped my addiction... ha ha.. this is a lie. xD I had no intention on NOT coloring that egg. That sucker was doomed from the get go. And by "get go" I mean since last semester when I saw Sean's egg. I vowed to color all over that luscious round canvas if and when Beth was gonna distribute dem pertty lil' eggies when I took her class... So it was done. I protectively harbored that egg as if it was my kid til I got home and colored all over him like a parent with no regard for CPS. O_o….I even accidentally dropped him on the laptop.. he's slightly cracked... No oozes, though; he's a trooper. And I say "him" because I named him Eggstropolio. Yea.. it got that deep.

But enty who! The deed is done. I went plum crazy… once again… and honestly I don’t think this problem of mine will ever cease to exist—I’ve come to terms. I'm fine. I at least stopped drawin on my jeans… But real talk, it’s been about a year since I last did that… The feeling’s still lying dormant like a ticking time bomb…or like some demon alien monkey spawn waitin to pop out and sell ice-cream to the kids... or something like that. xD But ‘til next time O.V.&O.T. :D

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

First Day of Classy Class! :D

So yeah first day of class was pretty cool. Man.. I need coffee.. But enty who! This semester my classes are 20 mins apart.. I'm short, so it takes a little bit ((more like forever)) to get to the Campus Center from the IT building, granted the buses and I don't cross paths. I was hungry..very very hungry, so I decided to try to go to the campus center and get something to eat. In high hopes that I would catch the bus so I could get to class on time, I took the chance. Boy... was I late. And to Beth's class, of all classes. In the back of my head I was like, "Hey there's gonna be enough seats left, cause her fall class was pretty small!" Man was a I wrong as hell! D: So I searched for the hidden classroom and when I found it, not to my surprise, the lights were off and, to my surprise, the class was full as fuck! xD In the middle of the class, there sat Beth. She waved me over to take a seat by her, and given that there were no seats left, it only felt natural to do so... besides I just walked my ass off from the campus center... ya damn skippy I was gonna get in where I fit in! Dx .. But yeah the conversations were pretty cool. We touched upon a subject that I used to have constant battles with for the better part of my life: what is considered to be art. Damn... this is a long paragraph... hm..

I already made it up in my mind that art is subjective as hell, and if it leaves an impression then I consider it art; whether its man made or not. And you know what let's say that art can only be considered art when it is man made. What can we call man made? Does something have to be physically shaped and crafted to be considered man-made? Or can we take it to a higher level and say that something can she reshaped and created emotionally? Example: We talked about a supernova being a work of art.. No, man didn't take all the elements required to create such a wonder, and physically make it, but the impression that it had on witnesses could allow man to deem it as a work of art, simply because of it's beauty and the impression that it left. On an emotional level, in deeper view of the wonder before him, man defined this breath taking phenomenon as a work of art. Nature created it, and who are we to say that art wasn't its intention? We don't know. Honestly to save myself from diving into a deep ass world of philosophical thoughts, I'm just gonna fall back and say that art is subjective. If somebody is captivated by something so ((more or less)) simple as a piece of a shoelace, I believe they have the right to deem it a piece of art. They took the emotion they had for it and saw it in a whole new light that no one else could. NEXT!

lol. So yeah class was pretty interesting, and I listened to everybody's opinion and respected them all. I can't wait to have more conversations in class like this. Also, to touch upon that music piece. I'm gonna be honest, I started picturing music playin in that yeah he created music.. he just left it up to the imagination. xD But enty who, til next time. O.V. and O.T.

Expectations and Whatnot

First of all, welcome to the Jimi Hendrix ((Seeing...?))  Adjacent ((side)) Angles ((ways)) Experience! So for this semester I signed up for Beth's "Seeing Sideways" class. I'm pretty excited. Man, honestly it's been a while since I've taken philosophy; and that's one of my favortie subjects. D: I'm expecting that this class will be the MAS version of a philosophy class. I have a great feeling because this class challenges people to make something out of little to nothing and in my book... That's what's up. xD