Sunday, January 23, 2011


So a very very long time ago ((it seems xD)) we were given the magnificent blank eggs. I remember this project when my friend, Sean, was taking this class and I also remembered how badly I wanted to steal his egg and color all over it because it was so blank.

See, I have a problem. When something blank—especially all white—is placed in my possession, I have to draw on it or color on it. SOMETHING has to be put on it. And it’s horrible because sometimes I do this shit subconsciously! It used to be so bad that I drew on other people’s body parts. Fortunately for us all, they enjoyed the designs and I at least had sense enough to stop myself and ask first. Eventually my work became so well known that people would ask me! –deep sigh- Oh glorious days.

At first, I was gonna just let the egg be and write about how not coloring the egg helped my addiction... ha ha.. this is a lie. xD I had no intention on NOT coloring that egg. That sucker was doomed from the get go. And by "get go" I mean since last semester when I saw Sean's egg. I vowed to color all over that luscious round canvas if and when Beth was gonna distribute dem pertty lil' eggies when I took her class... So it was done. I protectively harbored that egg as if it was my kid til I got home and colored all over him like a parent with no regard for CPS. O_o….I even accidentally dropped him on the laptop.. he's slightly cracked... No oozes, though; he's a trooper. And I say "him" because I named him Eggstropolio. Yea.. it got that deep.

But enty who! The deed is done. I went plum crazy… once again… and honestly I don’t think this problem of mine will ever cease to exist—I’ve come to terms. I'm fine. I at least stopped drawin on my jeans… But real talk, it’s been about a year since I last did that… The feeling’s still lying dormant like a ticking time bomb…or like some demon alien monkey spawn waitin to pop out and sell ice-cream to the kids... or something like that. xD But ‘til next time O.V.&O.T. :D

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