Monday, February 21, 2011

Class field trip

The part that I liked about the field trip was definitely the 3D room. Like that shit was live. It didn't make me want to become a master at 3-D but it definitely made me happy to see how far we've come. Hell I bet we've taken it further than that.

Inspiration ((steps? in between))-->Product

So I'm lookin at this drawing that I must have done during class and it pretty much explains the steps in which I think I take to get from inpiration to that shit that'll blow yo moufuckin mind aka the product.. Shit does this sentence even make sense??? -re-reads- Yeah. it does. But enty who. According to the picture, xD, I believe that my inspiration is the base. I really could kinda relate to the idea of realting the "equation" to conception.. But for some reaon when I think of an equation I think of something so lock-step and less organic. I believe refining and trials happen all throughout carrying out a concept and molding it into a project.

Which brings me to my next thingymabobber.

I created a galaxy in photoshop not too long ago and in the finish product I really wanted to incorporate some type of animation. I'm happy we were given two weeks. My inpsiration to creat the galaxy came from a tutorial I looked at during one of Beth's classes. I'm happy I was able to learn some animation in Ludwick's class. But enty who the pictures speak for themselves. Also its not the best flash file but it's okay for a begining animator. xD And it is not the final product.

Monday, February 7, 2011

(Sic) Days and the Placebo Effect

So I wanted to find a rule to break in my field of study.... when I read that we were supposed to be doin that instead of just breakin any old rule... Then I thought, "What rules period can I break without getting arrested?" and I came up with none... So then I decided ((upon getting sick with a cold)) that if I can't think of any rules to break... I can think of some codes of honor of mine that I could break.

Also Beth told me to do something with the leg that she gave me… I decided not to incorporate it in this project… but in a sense I guess I did.. because I broke her rule ((HACHA!)). I only did this because when that leg came into my possession, it became a personal goal to me to just unleash my world onto it, and with the pressure of having it “assigned” to me, I would have been more focused on impressing the thought of the project and trying to be creative than not focusing and just letting things flow. That said, Chlamydia will get her leg back ASAP this week. xD
But enty who, a few fields that I want to go into is tattooing, storytelling with graphic novels, and 2-D digital storytelling. When a client tells you what they want and you both have an agreed date to get work done you can’t just not work on the design because you feel pressured to do so. Being pressured to do so could possibly make you create something magnificent or it could very well destroy you, but in this field, you have to be able to work under the pressure of the client to get things done. By me not doing this leg when I indirectly agreed with Chlamydia that I would have this shit done by next Monday, I breached my contract with her and I could not produce a wonderful design for her when it came down to doing so. What I got out of breaking this rule? I guess more time to perfect what I did on her… other than that, this rule in my fields of study should not be broken without renegotiation.  

So yeah, I became sick with a cold after  Monday and I was just thinking about what I could do with that. It's a common code of courtesy to me to not get anybody sick on purpose cause that's just fucked up, but I have this friend who just automatically starts "getting sick" when he catches wind that I'm sick. -__- ((he has his reasons I guess. xD )) And I always tell him, "Look! It's in your damn head. I'm not even fuckin contagious right now! Dx " and he just sniffles and sniffles.. The shit is ridiculous honestly... so I got sick and I didn't tell him I was... and we made out... for many days straight ((with breaks in between of course))... And I observed him over the weekend and yeah he never got sick.

Was this a sick and twisted thing to do? Sure… Did I get anything out of this? Sure… What I got out of breaking this common code of courtesy was the satisfaction of proving to myself that it was in his damn head. When I get sick, I don’t normally spread it to others; even if I come into contact with the public. But yeah I strongly believe that the placebo effect can really have a strong influence on my friend's physical being...or what he doesn't know wont kill him.. something like that.